a new year!

By Thesalh70

Quilted sky!

There's been some fabulous cloud cover today.

Starting with a good frost, grass white over, pink sky as the sun rose.

Was busy in the soup kitchen again, making a hearty chicken and vegetable soup, using the soul of last nights chicken (my friend says the word carcass isn't nice, so I'm calling it the soul of the chicken!)

Visit from mum and then off for a walk to the wood with Pete. The clouds were awesome, and I described this as feeling like having a quilt thrown over us!

Back home and worked, sorting a few bits out before getting ready for a last minute stall at Eastwoods Christmas lights switch on.

Wrapped up warm, thermals, flask all set. It was very busy, much more so than Saturday. Visit from Li and Matt boosted sales, as well as a visit from Clem and Aunty Ellen!

Packed up, quick drive home and a whisky to thaw out! Thanks for mum for helping me out! x

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