Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

How to cool off....

Suddenly very hot and humid here in Melbourne. With no warning we have had two days upwards of 30℃, after hovering around 20℃ for a while before that. Heat is fine by me, however, a little bit of build up would be nice, and not all humid and sticky. Bleurgh.

Today was a particularly gross day for me, batting the vicious circle of severe back pain being made worse by constant puking, and in then the constant puking making it impossible to keep down pain relief. Puking while hot and sticky because of humidity rivaling a sauna is not fun.

Eventually got something of a break in the puking and managed to get the necessary meds into me.... Which also allowed me to kick myself in the nostalgia again by pointing the garden hose at little dude. My feet got nicely cooled, when helped with the rest of me. Little dude had an absolute blast playing for a few minutes. Didn't complain about being hot and grumpy after that.

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