Portrait with Grid

That old blip feeling came back earlier. The day is there, the camera too, the can is empty, you know something will fill it but you have absolutely no idea what. You don't feel very inspired, and it feels it will be just any old thing from around the block. The heart sinks slightly but a voice says, 'You never know', and then, later, out of the corner of your eye, something pops up, although you are well past it before you stop in the cold street with your scarf wound tightly round your chin and wonder, 'Could that be it?'. And from nowhere the can is filled with something you couldn't have expected, and the record is fuller, and the capture will be seen by a few around more than just the block, and again by you from time to time in years to come, and trigger the thoughts it triggers on first seeing, thoughts that lead to a story....but that's for another day. 'Blip on!', the voice says. And it is. And you will.

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