New perspectives...

I was going to comment on these trees and their lack of treeness. However, as I am rubbish at gardening of any kind I thought I'd best not give an opinion on tree surgery.

Had a strange experience today. On leaving my place of work and locking the gate behind me as is our security policy, I was approached by a older gentleman who clearly thought he should be allowed through the gates and onto the field. Explaining politely to him that he can't have access and if he needed to go onto the premises then he needed to go through the main gates and to reception, he seemed to take great offence. He informed me that Holland is a free country and therefore I should allow him through the gate. He then went on to declare that I am in Holland and not in England and that I should go home. He stamped his foot and repeated his statement of me going back to where I came from.
I was somewhat taken aback with his comments and the emotions behind them.

I love living here - one of the reasons being its tolerant nature for the most part. I've not changed my mind, but I have been reminded of short-sightedness and the damage it can do. I hope that bloke can one day see how much time he lost over behaving in such a manner because life is just too short.

That is all.

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