
By cowgirl

Don't make me go there!

This is as close as Fossey is comfortable with to the old Dilton Marsh church. I've tried to get her into the grounds but she was very unhappy there and just kept trying to leave.

St Mary's Church in Old Dilton, Wiltshire, was built in the 14th century. The population of Old Dilton declined as residents moved to Dilton Marsh and the church became redundant, however it remains consecrated and the fabric is maintained by the Churches Conservation Trust.

The interior of the church was renovated in the 18th century and includes a three-decker pulpit, and two small galleries. It has been designated by English Heritage as a Grade I listed building.

The key is kept in the porch of a nearby house and I will endeavour to get myself over there one day, without Fossey, and blip the interior. I've been in before but it was pre-blip, so it's time I got in there again.

It's warmed up again here, though it was a grey day, and I actually went on our walk without a coat.

The middle of the day was spent looking for candles for Chanuka as I forgot to get them whilst in Israel and tonight is the first night. Had to settle for some birthday candles, and the doughnuts I got from Waitrose were a bit on the dry side. That'll teach me to buy the reduced price ones!

Will just have to have some more, afterall the holiday lasts for 8 days ...

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