Loch Leven

Looked wonderful today. The Loch, having been very polluted by farm chemicals and industrial waste through the years has been under strict regeneration rules and is now in the best shape it has been in for 20 years. Looks fantastic. I am looking forward to another picnic on Mary Queen of Scot's island. Who is going to join me?!!!
Frussssstrating day. When trying to pay for something that had taken my daughter 2 days to complete on internet , turned out that my Debit card been involved in a fraud incident so is no longer and it will take 3 to 5 days to replace, great. Cancelled the original email address and web hosting in aother moment of frustration, they were so inefficient. The business started in Scotland and could not have been more helpful, now in US and are completely Use lesS. Canvas Dreams, look out!
The number cruncher has suggested that he gives me the 365 blip book. Such a lovely idea. I have started looking into it and it turns out that any shots taken on iPhone have very small images and they don't really recommend using them for the book? Has anyone out there done this and know the result, is it that bad?!!?

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