Big Hill

By bighill

Farewell Richard....

Well, after almost 8 months living with us, Richard has moved to his winter abode. Thankfully it is just down the road, and not to Ontario or BC, which is where he often goes for the winter months. He'll be living in a very rustic little cabin, no running water or indoor plumbing......he is a very brave and crazy adventurous chap! I have such a mixture of feelings about him leaving us each year, we all live together so easily and he is such a huge help....i'll miss him!

In other news....i spent the whole day pricing, wrapping and packing 13 big banana boxes of hands are still black from all the ink on the newspaper i use to pack my me cheap, i like to think of it as recycling! Was hoping to get the shelving units dismantled, but by 5pm i was done!!! So i'll be into the studio early tomorrow morning, cos then we (Terry and I) head up to Sydney to set up the booth!

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