Family of three.

By livingbythesea

Poorly girl.

Well fortunately she kept it in until after the baby sitter left, unfortunately with only a downstairs bathroom she did not keep it in to make it there. Yep 1am and I am scrubbing sick off the stair carpet. Poor little Erin was so upset but it can't be helped. Cleaned her up, bundled her back into bed and lay awake for the next hour so unable to fall back to sleep in case she needed me again.

This morning it meant that I had to keep her home and so I had to let everyone down that I should have been caring for. Feel awful but it can't be helped I know. Erin spent the day laying on the sofa and quietly colouring and practising her letters and I caught up with paperwork. She was so quiet all day not like my normal very loud button. She was asking to go to bed just before 7pm so didn't even get to see her brother come home from karate all excited as he has been invited to go for his yellow belt. He has worked so hard and taken to it so quickly, very proud of him. It's lovely to have a son that says he wants to join a club and then sticks with it.

Finally caught up with a week of back blips starting here. Will catch up on commenting over the next few eves.

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