On the road again!

Thought today would be easy & relaxed! Wrong. I knew I was doing some filming tomorrow but got a call to do Friday too. this meant that my reckie day to the transport museum on fri had to be brought forward to today. So hijacked my two cousins and we horsed off to the Glasgow to see the lay out of the transport museum so that I would know (roughly) what I would be doing next Sat with my tour lot. Not sure I like the new layout , what numpty thought it was a good idea to have all the cars stuck up on shelves on the bloody wall!! Makes it very hard to look at them properly. I liked the old museum better where you could get up close and personal with the motors, the whole place looked like it was showing dinky toy cars instead of real ones!

We then went to see eldest daughter who was still a bit stressed after she had a small prang with her car this morning(a few scratches on her bumper) but it gave her a fright!
Finally we decided to go to Epicures for some nosh and I have to say it was far superior to the crap we had in the Drovers Inn last night and £20 cheaper too. Then drove home singing all the way to hubby's mad crazy C&W songs. Normally I want to throw myself out the car when I have to listen to songs about dead dogs etc but its more fun when you have some other nutters along with you for a sing song. Had a good laugh and home by 11pm. A good day.

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