
By fennerpearson

Whalley Arches

I usually find the satnav is most indispensible for the first or last part of a journey (depending on whether I'm arriving or departing a place I don't know well). So, leaving Blackburn today, I asked the satnav for directions home.

Predictably, conservatively, it offered me a direct route to the M6, whence I'd travel north to junction 36. My heart sank a little and then I noticed a little icon that appeared to indicate an alternative route, which, it transpired, it did. Hurrah!

Thus, I set off in a north-easterly direction, passing through Whalley first of all. It was here that I saw this impressive viaduct, which turned out - after some Googling subsequent to my journey - to be Whalley Viaduct or "Whalley Arches" as it is apparently known. You can read more about it and its forty-eight span splendour here.

After that I carried on up through Clitheroe, Waddington (very lovely), Slaidburn and Tosside, before I reached Settle and joined the A65 for the home straight.

And, yes, I did remember to drop a bottle of wine and a card in for the lady at the garage who helped me, yesterday :-)

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