Double Shot Mummy


UAE National Day

Can't believe it has been a year since the last one. This one had even more to celebrate for as last night Dubai also won the bid to host the 2020 Expo. You can imagine the hype around Dubai. That night the next day was declared an educational holiday and all the schools were declared to be shut... I rang in the morning to check and Oscar and Bailee's nursery was still running as normal. I was happy for the kids as they had all put in so much work for the National Day and were going to be celebrating at school. I then got a call at 11 that they had been put under pressure to close and all children needed to be collected by midday! So at least they got the best of both worlds!

We were lucky enough to have the Palm National Day celebrations right at our doorstep (Literally). Last year the twins were too little, but this year Bailee didn't think twice about wanting a camel ride! The camel was really high up off the ground... I was quite taken back by how brave Bailee was! Oscar initially didn't want a ride but after seeing Bailee couldn't resist and thoroughly enjoyed himself, if not a bit more cautiously.

There were all sorts of stands including local ladies cooking traditional pancakes (I am sure they have a much more interesting name). Bailee and Oscar watched and watched with awe and then finally got a fresh one. They loved them.

Oscar told me on the way home that he "Really enjoyed the party thanks mummy". The things he comes up with are so sweet and thoughtful.

Bailee has been grumpy all day (Despite a two hour nap). She then told Regina after bath time that she has a sore ear and it did look red. I did her temperature and she has a fever of 38.2. Fingers crossed she sleeps well and is better by the morning.

Poor Regina's mum passed away by a stroke 2 days ago. Stu has just dropped her at the airport as she is going home to her family in the Philippines for 9 days. She's a strong, sincere lady and today has made me realise just how much we value her.

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