Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Uh Oh!!

Made my way to school this morning only to be confronted by the locked school gates and a sign on display stating that in view of the Expo success story....all schools have been declared closed!!!! This was posted at 2am!!

I wasn't the only one who didn't get the message communicated in time to save a journey!!!... the parents were far more more agitated than me, almost rioutous!! I didn't blip them!! Instead..blipped our security guard who was having to take the brunt of the mis-communication....with a smile!!!

Headed back home and took GK to work instead! Then re-arranged a Saturday appointment and met up with a previous colleague for a 'possible' project!! Very productive couple of hours....lots of research and work to be produced with a 29th Dec deadline...but very excited about it all!

Collected GK for lunch..(one which I had prepared earlier) then returned her to her post and headed out to the Meadows to do a tutoring session.

Collected GK again at 5:30 and off to the airport. Met up with a friend who came in from Oman, made a quick visit to Century village for a bite to eat, handed over the shopping she had asked us to source for her, participated in a cramming excercise to get it all into her hand luggage, before negotiating the traffic en route back to the airport for her flight at 9:20!! Like living life on the edge!

Quick flit back to Karama and the 'box shop' to sort out some unfinished business, eventually arriving home for a good cuppa tea, a quick blip and bed!!!
Definitely definitely needed!!!

Happy Blipping Everyone!!

Can't believe they cancelled out our National Day celebrations after all the hard work!

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