Generation gap?

Yesterday, I was quizzing a group of Year 8 students about why we don't use the yellow/orange flame on a Bunsen burner to heat equipment such as beakers. They knew that it was a 'cooler' flame, but I also wanted to get the idea that it would deposit soot on the beaker...

I asked what would be deposited...steam was a suggestion...along with others.

So I said "I will give you a clue. You often find it up chimneys and it begins with "s"...."

A student shouted "SANTA"...

I looked across the room at the colleague stood opposite me and could not help the peal of laughter that emerged from me! Bless the young man in question laughed too.

It has been pointed out that most of the youngsters I teach probably don't even know what a coal fire is!

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