Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Is it turkey yet?

Iggins: Isn't today Turkey Day?

Wally: Yeah. So where's the turkey?

Iggins: I haven't seen it yet. Isn't Mom going to make it?

Wally: I thought so. But she's still in bed.

Iggins: I don't think she feels too good. I took a nap with her and her nose smelled weird when I licked it. And she didn't even pet me.

Wally: She must be feeling bad. When I went up to cuddle with her, she was really hot.

Iggins: Dad told Aunt V and Uncle B that it is something called a "sinus infection".

Wally: So is Dad going to make turkey?

Iggins: I don't know, but since it's past dinner time, I don't think so. Mom said she wasn't hungry and wanted to sleep.

Wally: Oh well. No turkey for today.

Iggins: That's sad. But Mom and Dad did say they were thankful! And Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

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