Baby's got Back.

Or, Shake Your Tail Feathers... I couldn't decide...

Bigger bum in large. ;)

I ended up feeding the birds again this morning and once again, most of my visitors were blue jays. So, I guess you'll have to put up with another jay image... With the way the snow has been coming down (constantly), it's been hard to go far or to unprotected areas for a blip. The jays have gotten a little aggressive over my morning seed and nut offerings. About 8 come at a time and they sure do have a pecking order... There's a giant one, and he's in charge! It was interesting to watch the squabbles that took place on the deck today. I was disappointed to find that most of those images were a touch blurry, then I came across this one and it gave me a giggle... so CHECK blip complete. :)

Happy Thanksgiving or Happy Thursday if you don't celebrate it! :) Good food, lots of thanks, and too much football. A good day for sure.

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