
By Ellaphant

Doubling Back

No time this morning, so returned to the spot along the A17, but only after having a late lunch at home first. Raining only rabbits and hamsters today, so I didn't get drenched. To be sure, I lent my fedora to the cam. Because I blipped after work instead of before, there was no rush now. Deliberately used the hard shoulder to cruise and look for a good spot. (For those used to the Pagnevaart and Mastbos, sorry, no time for them today.) Sometimes, I wonder, though ... Why is a sudden mass of trees and shrubs more attractive at 130 kph than at 50 kph? I am thinking of a lousy parallel which I'd better not type here ... :)

Tomorrow's blip will be backblipped on Sunday ... and then you'll see why! :) Have a good Friday and weekend, folks!

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