
By Poppy

Wild day . . .

It's been a wild old day! We've had gales since first thing this morning, with 70mph gusts and horizontal rain! This pontoon is moored here over the winter because it is generally relatively sheltered, but it was getting a real pounding today. It lost one of its buoys in the last bad gale, which was handy for a blip, so I hope they are both more securely attached this time!

They aren't in this shot, but there were rafts of eiders closer to the shore, riding the waves and getting buffeted about. There were seals too, swimming and diving, seemingly enjoying the turmoil. The mud off the bottom is being really churned up so perhaps there was food about.

All the ferries were storm stayed but the Churchill Barriers were open and the library van managed to get here. It's a big, slab sided vehicle and librarian John said it was quite a crossing, with the waves battering the sides of it! Even as we were inside choosing our books it was rocking in the wind! We linked arms with each other walking back, the gusts could easily have lifted us off our feet.

The village tree lighting ceremony is supposed to be taking place tonight and I'm on mince pie duty, but I somehow doubt it will be going ahead . . .

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