
The photograph reflects
Every street light a reminder
Deserves a quiet night
Deserves a quiet night


These swans probably deserved a quiet night swimming, That is until this runner came along. Another shot in the night running series tonight. I was finishing my run in Holyrood Park and out of the corner of my eye I saw the St Margaret's Loch swans, eerily white in the pitch black park. So I ran over and got a shot.

Shortly after taking the photo, I could see that they were all swimming towards me. I don't know if this picture captures it, but swans are creepy fuckers in the dark, so I made a run for it - literally!

In other news, today I finally got a long awaited email. I'm a Clyde-sider - which means I was successful in my application to volunteer at the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. I'm so excited to be able to contribute to the Games and be a small part of history.

Today's run: 4 miles
November running mileage: 66 miles
2013 running mileage: 980 miles

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