Off Centre

By RachelCarter

#Lovember the 25th

Wow. It was difficult to love anything about today.
I found a special kind of deep hatred for Mondays.
After 3 days of tummy bleurgh, Richard was up most of Sunday night dashing to the toilet, but we still had to get up early and carry on because it was boiler-ripping-out day.

Somehow we all managed to be up and about and half decent and ready - even the teens who have Mondays off. Richard looked shocking and had to dash to the loo several times but we were just about managing until we got a call at 9.30am to say Tess had thrown up in assembly.
Once home, Tess continued hurling until her tummy was empty and then we all hunkered down in the sitting room with a sick bowl and daytime TV.

By afternoon it was getting a bit chilly and the water was turned off. It was touch and go for a while but everyone managed to hold on until the water was on again.

It was while we were patting ourselves on the back for coping that Treacle the cat decided to collapse and have a seizure in front of us. She yowled really disturbingly, fitted and then froze. Gemma was quite traumatised by the scene but Tess just carried on playing on her dad's ipad and pretty much ignored the whole thing. Later Tess said she thought Treacle was just acting. And maybe she was!
After a £95 trip to the Vet and a blood test we were told the cat was fine.

Finally the cold water was tured back on again. We still had no hot water and no heating but at least we could flush the loo and wash our hands!

I'm really not sure how Richard managed to get through the day but he did...

Just as darkness fell I decided I could safely leave Tess for a while and dashed out of the house for ten minutes. I popped up to see the bullocks, who wandered over for a sniff and we had a little chat. Their day had been pretty monotonous and uninteresting apparently.

After a stonkingly mad day a chat with some animals at sunset is magic.

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