Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Au secours! Au secours!

When we arrived at Hexham General Hospital for Mum's orthopaedic appointment today, the fire alarm was sounding. Staff and some patients were in the main foyer, waiting to hear if they had to proceed to a full evacuation. Soon we were given the All Clear.

The fire brigade had to come of course - once the alarm is sounded they are on their way. This fire officer was happy to have his photograph taken as he climbed back into the cab. The hospital matron sought me out to ask what I was doing at the hospital with "a big camera". She did not seem convinced that I always have a camera with me, often the big one, but agreed I was doing nothing wrong.

Good news - if there is a fracture in Mum's finger it is doing fine and the joint is not involved. There is still a lot of soft tissue damage, so that will take time to heal.

This morning was the final meeting of the Travel Group of the U3A with a slide show spanning the 25 years that groups have gone away together on holiday. It was brilliantly described by Margret who has been convenor for years. We had a lot of laughs. On one holiday a lady participant was horrified to be told she was to share a room with a man. She was booked as a single, but he fancied her and had told the hotel staff to change the booking.........

Off to see the Red Balloon tonight.

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