Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Light Pollution...

Thought I'd try some beach shots tonight. Well what a palava!

It was quite breezy down on the sands, Dave the Dog (our excuse to go for a walk) was hyper (must be those Bonio E's) and jumped at the camera every time the rangefinder light flashed. He got a kick in the slats (as gekkobelly's mam used to say) . I made a promise that if MrsDB shone her million candle power torch in my face again I would gleefully kill her.

I had my tripod bag around my neck. It was intertwined with my camera bag and my Dr Who sized scarf. My torch - on a wrist strap was fastened in all three. My head torch was independently trying to strangle me as it had slid over my eyes and in an annoyed epi-fit I'd caught the emergency button and it had started sending an SOS flash to the DFDS North Sea ferry gliding on its way to Zeebrugge.

In the wind and the inky darkness the tripod seemed to have grown another three legs and several useless non-effective twist keys. My left foot was cold and squelching after I'd stepped into a pool - the sort that forms around beach boulders. Aw shoot.

Dave the bloody Dog was still running around like a loon, and anticipating stones to be thrown, diving and snacking at my hands every time I made a move. I lost my lens cap for 5 minutes as the wind whipped it out of my hand and it cartwheeled across the sand.

I took 61 pictures. This is the one that was almost in focus. I hope you like it.

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