If you put together a list of all the Tropicana Cafe Bars in the world and rated them for desirability, the Worthing pier one I am going to guess will be some way down the list. They are doing up the tatty nightclub at the end of the pier though (which is actually what I was going to have a look at) to a fancy dan new "venue" - I think this means not another night club.
Will's Christmas fair was a rammed, chaotic affair. They owe me a present from Santa's grotto because we could not be arsed with the 30 minute queue. I did pick up some Star Wars film for 50p, that was essentially the highlight.
Out with Kardimomma and Benelia tonight for K's birthday. I am looking forward to it muchly but am vaguely regretting buying her the heaviest present in the world which I will lug with me.
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