
By angelicbrianne

Dear Anonymous,

When you walked through those heavy double doors you were judged. It's quite sad to say this but that's how it always is. For some odd reason, our family is very judge mental but that is just how it goes. Unfortunately I was apart of this but like I said that is just how it goes.

I'm sorry but it doesn't help that you were not alone. As you continuously walked through those doors it was easily shown that you were never alone. I knew it was a big step for you but if you can't do it alone you have already lost out on the respect of others. People talked...people talked a lot.

You were befriended right away by one I love so dearly. I didn't understand how or even why but that's because you didn't fit the image so I didn't want to let myself understand. It has taken months for me to even give you a voice or even to take a second look at you. I guess that goes to show you how simple minded I can truly be...but that's another topic, another time.

Eventually I opened up my heart and mind and decided to give you a chance; A chance to be heard and to tell your story. Let me tell you, I was definitely not shocked to hear about the kind of person you are. You show it well of how you were raised and how you are the way you are. I am not saying this in a bad way, it is just simply a fact. I am also not saying your easy to read because some of things that have come out of your mouth have even given me a double take. You're intriguing and fascinating and beautiful inside and out but don't let that go to your head.

I have a serious problem for stating things how they are and I tend to add more salt to my words than sugar but I hope this doesn't change your view on me.
I want to help you, I want to show you the world and all it's beauties and all it's ugliness so there are no more surprises ahead, and I think my greatest goal among all is to show you that you can step away from yourself for just a second and think about other things that make you beautiful besides your looks.

You need to find your key...the one that unlocks what you truly love about yourself and what makes you stand out against all your peers. Your key isn't your looks, image is important but everyone is beautiful in their own ways. You can't act like your the prettiest thing here because that makes you so ugly. It really does push away the ones who want to get close to you. You say you're full of yourself but you don't care. I am sorry to be the one to break it to you but start caring! Eventually you will lose everyone around you not because you're a bad person but because they are just tired about hearing how much you love your looks and how much you love other guys being into you.

I think that I have finally figured it out. I have watched you and listened to you and carefully examined why you are the way you are. How you were raised has a lot to do with it. But also the fact that you have come across lots of males that are into you but you could do nothing about it. You couldn't feel their touch along your curves or watch their eyes savoring your image. So since this will tend to push them away you must drown yourself in compliments and keep yourself thinking that they are infatuated with you. The truth of the matter is...it's a harsh world and whatever you won't give them honey, another girl will. Whatever you have...someone has it better. This is why I am telling you...the beauty comes from within. It's your big heart and your silly remarks and your views on life...that is what sets you apart. That's what will catch you a good thing and keep it.

I have been tempted to just walk away on my progress and going back to the way I was with you because already I am annoyed about how conceited you are. I am already tired of seeing you trying to be like other people. There is a difference from trying to be like someone else and finding out who you really are, but instead I plan to say. I am curious about your growth...I plan to keep you as close to who you are inside and not lose sight of that. I am also going to try and take away your sight...you no longer need to stare at yourself. You know what you look like and you can feel blessed for it but you don't need to let everyone else know how proud you are.

It will be a working process but I'm looking forward to knowing you and helping you find that key so you can finally unlock what's inside.


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