Advent Calendars
When my daughters were little we always had Advent calendars on the refrigerator. They would politely take turns and never peeked ahead--well, Rosie might have :) but Courtney enjoys protocol. A few years ago, since they are grown and have their own homes, I still wanted to follow this tradition so I purchased 2 Advent garlands with woolen knitted mittens and hats dangling, each sporting a number from 1-24. All year I collect small things to stuff inside each day's special niche. I enjoy doing it, I feel connected to the spirit of Christmas throughout the year and it's fun to think of my daughters' surprise when they find some silly treasure tucked inside with love.
I have sent Rosie's to Botswana when she was in the Peace Corps and she has returned it once by post and once in person. I have sent it to Boston when she was in grad school and she has brought it home for the next year's refilling. Now she's in Jordan finishing a degree and working with Mercy Corps but I am not sending it this year as she will be home on the 17th to celebrate with us and sending a small package to her took 2 months and $168! I suspect she looks at them in spurts anyway rather than doling out each day as it comes so starting late won't disturb her Christmas memories.
But my sweet Courtney is quite different. She prefers to enjoy her treats in their turn, at their time, in peace. And she lives near my home with her wonderful husband and 2 kitties. So here is a photo of Courtney's Advent garland standing against the top of the bolster on the back of my favorite reading spot. Can you see it? It all sort of blends into a rusty colored nondescript photo that is my trademark :)
Happy weekend to all! xo
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