Bike in blue.

Walking home in the gloaming I saw someones bike parked in front of the Scotsman building. They have pavement lighting there. I thought it was an interesting effect.

I was on holiday today, so I went to see 'Gravity' in 3D. All those spinning in space scenes were enough to make me dizzy.

Basically it is just like Tom Hanks' 'Castaway', set in space with Sandra Bullock.

There is no where near as much philosophising as I expected and the science is a bit dodgy, but other than that a very good drama.

The thing you need to know is that this is a continuous story, there is no break for anything. The accident happens and from then on, you are following this character on her journey to the finale. No flashbacks, no secondary character angst, just her and her ability (or inability) to cope.

Thoroughly enjoyable, won't be making any effort to watch it again in the next ten years.

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