Awaiting a delivery.

A Dispatch and a Hatch on the same day. Something I have never experienced before.

My good friend David's mother died last week and her funeral was today. She got a good send off with some stirring hymns and moving recollections of her life. Then we dashed off to Banburyshire to await the birth of my first grandchild. Betty knew Faye well and would have approved of a birth on the same day as her farewell.

I am going to be a granddad! But what will it be? Val and I can only sit in the kitchen at Faye and James' house and await the news of the arrival.

Then, at 5.35 we get the phone call. ITS A GIRL! and all are well. A beautiful 9 lb 6 oz baby. But we aren't allowed to go and see it tonight so we will have to wait till tomorrow.

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