
By Doingok

Crotched Mountain

It was another cold clear blue sky day today. This is the view of Crotched Mountain from Cemetery Hill Road. Crotched is a small ski mountain about 15 miles from my house. At the base of the mountain there is a residential rehabilitation facility for people with head injuries.

As I was taking this picture an older man was just leaving his home, that overlooks this view, to take his dog for a walk. We chatted for about 30 minutes about all kinds of things. What an interesting chap he was and even though he was 20 years older than I we had so many parallels. I wanted to take his picture but his dog was large (108 lbs) and very protective. Fortunately he was on a leash. So our conversation was had from about 30' away from each other! We spoke of college, he was an animal science major and I a plant science major, hometowns (he was familiar with mine), had friends there, religion, not much, careers, health hazards posed by big corporations like Monsanto, etc. He was looking for a running buddy. I probably could keep up with him too, but I am not a runner. Maybe I'll have to propose walking to him. He says he usually wins races in his age group, but then often he is the only runner in that group.

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