
By CreativeCarol

The stocking were hung...

by the chimney with care, In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.

It isn't the night before Christmas, but it is the night after Thanksgiving. Since our first Christmas together, 33 years ago, we started our first family tradition of decorating our home for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving. Part of the tradition is that we eat homemade Christmas Cookies and drink Egg nog while we decorate the tree. It is not a tradition that can be changed. I had lots of pumpkin bread and apple cider leftover from Thanksgiving that I tried to entice my husband to have instead of the cookies and egg nog. It didn't work! Off I went to the store to get the supplies needed to make sure our tradition would live. What was I thinking! By the time the last ornament was on the tree and Dave hung our newest grandson's stocking up, there were only crumbs left of the cookies!
I leave you with the last line of the poem. Twas the Night before Christmas: "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

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