Grandma's pictures

By FarawayGrandma

appearances are deceptive

why is this picture so clear? The grass looks green. I was there & I was trying to take a picture of how miserably wet and foggy it was!

This morning was the beach walk for Habitat for Humanity.
walking was going to be a challenge because I have negected my walking this year and have also gained weight.
hardly walked 100 yards and was out of breath.
but refocused and kept putting one foot in front of the other.
so foggy you couldn't see more than maybe 100 feet.
the target was two or three miles away so we walked blindly into a bank of fog.
started in a raincoat with an umbrella (though we don't use them much here on the Oregon coast) but I had hoped the umbrella would keep my glasses dry.
the wind picked up & my glasses were soaked closed the umbrella
I forgot how soaked one could be. couldn't see. kept walking.
Made it to the target! & took the shuttle back.
Hopefully next year only the walking will be the challenge & I will walk roundtrip...

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