Lisa's blipping life

By Lisamoore

A drive by

A beautiful day, tried to appreciate it when i could as most of today was spent doing errands.
Had to go into the next town with G, so decided to go the scenic route. It never fails me. At this point you drive up to the top of the hill, turn the corner to see the beautiful Pendle Hill ( something like 8 inches off being a mountain)
I have blipped it before but not from here. Its been a focus in my life and one of the reasons it would be hard to move away. It hold more memories than any other place i know and has such a history of its own.
G took this for me hanging out of the car window ( i did pull up) couldnt persaud her to get out of the car for a blip. ...she just doesnt realise how addictive it is!
Another christmas fair tomorrow with my mum in tow this time, hoping for another good day.

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