The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

Birthday Boy Flying High

This weekend I am back in Scotland celebrating the 5th birthday of my Nephew.

Yesterday I flew up early in the morning, was trusted (!) to babysit Niamh for the afternoon and then I went to meet Aidan at school as a surprise.

His reaction when he saw me was very cute. He was quite reserved then as we walked away from the group and his teacher he was amazed at how his mum had tricked him. Joanna had told him that his Papa Gus was picking up so seeing me was the last thing he expected.

Today we went to lego club where I played snakes and ladders with Aidan and a couple of the girls in his class. Sometimes I have worried Aidan would be one of the shy retiring kids in the class however today I saw he was much more of a ringleader as he led his little friends into going behind the librarians's desk and taking over her job!

Tonight was fun at Xscape with the family, some nice dinner and then Aidan had a shot at the bungee trampoline which he totally loved.

I so love having these days and celebrating big milestones with Aidan and my family. Precious precious time!

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