Leanne's Random Photos

By Leannespics


What a long day! I'm tuckered out and I'm going to bed.

9:15 soccer game
Back home to eat
1:00 soccer game
2:30 home to repack
3:30 pick up husband at work
Venture out to Buena Park
Miss 105 fwy - 10 minute turn around (I wasn't driving!)
Now miss 605 fwy - 20 minutes getting lost
Find a grocery store - 20 minute hunt
5:00 finally make it to Turkey Fry party that started at 4:00
Talk and eat, eat and talk
Dog scares girl
8:30 leave for home
10:00 get home.
11:00 my time. Blip time.

On our way to the car, I couldn't resist taking these kitty's picture! I wonder what they are sitting on? They were there for over 2 hours.

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