Vinyl .....

..... night.

I've had a fun night out in Shipley with Yearofhappy ( R ) tonight, despite how it may appear from the blip title we've not attended some sort of S&M club. We went along to The Record Club's monthly yinyl record night at the Kirkgate Centre. All the music played is on vinyl, the volume was just loud enough that you could appreciate the music but still hear each other talking and there was a bar selling very reasonably priced drinks and food ( I realise that makes me sound really middle aged ). It was a bit like being in a Student bar but everyone was about 20 years older.

The theme for tonight was Music from Manchester. Myself and R both spent a few years going out in Manchester in the early 1990's and a lot of tonight's music was from that era. We had fun chatting about our dodgy music choices when we were younger and might be taking a few 12" singles along to the next night in January ( they should clear the room ).

As always I had my camera with me and took a few snaps which I've put in a set here. It's now the wee hours of the morning and I have work tomorrow. Thanks again for a fun night out R, so today's blip is .....

Vinyl night.


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