Smile on!

By Silverpritt


Finally the rain managed to catch up with us Vancouverites, and there is no escape. So we stayed home and made muffins. Kids were more than eager to help. OO has done cooking many times before, so you'd hear her calling the shots sometimes - "No!!!! This is not how you stir Little A!!" "Be careful and don't make a mess, ok?". Amusing!

They cradled the pans of muffins like they were their babies, and sat in front of the oven to watch them grow. They would shriek in sheer excitement as the muffins rise. As a foodie, I'm glad my kids can also share the joy of cooking.

Despite the mess and the loud-talking, the muffins turned out pretty good. The kids were hungry from anticipation and couldn't resist the aroma, so I let them eat a couple (of the mini ones) before dinner. :-)

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