My street

This was my street this afternoon, it's not a street at all but a circle, when this land was developed the developers called this the dress circle originally meant for double story homes, then later they changed the covenants to single story or double, so we jumped in and bought the corner block just to the right of the shot that was 12 years ago. The circle then takes a left turn which makes the circle around the park.
There are Norfolk pines surrounding the circle which gives our garden much needed shade, and Olive trees in the park which people come and shake them around March -April apparently the olives taste good on pizza, we were told..
tomorrow I will be phoning the shire as to why they are not watering our verges and park?? Very unusual for this time of the year, The grass has died back very rapidly, today is our first day of Summer and will only get hotter from here.

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