
By Annieone

'Graduation Day'......................!

Hello Everyone.......all our friends on Blipfoto......

What a truly wonderful day Friday was.......!
I would like to share this photo with you all.....
It is of my daughter S's Graduation Ceremony at Trinity College....
Receiving her Law Degree...
What a wonderful achievement it was for her......
She has had such a tough few years.....
And no-one deserved this day more than her.....
She is now S...........L.L.B.
We are so PROUD of her....I'm stuck for words to describe it.....!

And what a miracle it was that I was able to get there.....
It was pushed by Hubby in my Mam's wheelchair.........!!
And I have to say the facilities were wonderful and we were given the best of treatment.....even a space in the front row seat where we had a wonderful view of the whole Ceremony.....
I am so glad and thankful that I was able to make it.....
I'm sure you've all been wondering what has happened and why myself....Kitty Boy and now our darling Mel have more or less disappeared from Blip.........!
Just looking today I've realised that I haven't Blipped in over a Month....
Unfortunately, whatever my back problem is.....I have no definite reason for it yet.....
The main problem now is that very severe pain has travelled round my hip and down my right leg......I haven't been able to walk for weeks and have been in agonising pain......
Having had x-rays and an MRI Scan..
I have seen an Orthopaedic Surgeon who told me while there is slight disc damage showing up.....there is nothing to indicate why I am in such debilitating pain...
He also was very astute and asked me if I was depressed and had I very stressful situations going on in my life....
Thru' many tears I was unable to answer him but my dearest hubby (who now will be up for being voted one of the best there is)......told him how we have literally lurched from one crisis to another all of this year.....
he explained how (while in no way diminishing the pain I was in) how your body reacts to any type of spasm pain when it is under a very stressful condition...
He told me that while I needed no surgery (Thank God)....he was going to inject my hip/pelvic area with a powerful steroid injection......which did give some relief and requested that I have an Isotope Full Body Bone Scan....(for which I am still waiting for an appointment as ther is a worldwide shortage of the radio active dye that's used to carry out this procedure).....
He also passed me on to a Pain Specialist.....who was very helpful in explaining why I am in such spasm type pain but also has no idea why and waiting hopefully to see if the results of the Bone Scan can make things any the meantime he has put me on a very strong 'cocktail' of drugs..
(was only able to take a sip if the Champagne celebratory drink on Fri. evening)!!
he is also going to inject my back on this coming Fri Dec6th.....
So, that is my tale of woe.....the edge has been taken off the pain and I get around by wheelchair and crutches.....
My Hubby and S and B Jnr. are wonderful.....they now have their hands full as there is very little I can do and my Mam needs constant care...she has become very frail.......I hope very soon to get a Home Care Package in place to help look after her as I'm really not sure yet what I am going to be to be told is wrong with me....
Kitty Boy misses me very much as I do him......
he still won't come inside because of Mel.......he sits on the wall outside my bedroom window and we have our 'chats' that way......
He appears to have been in avery serious 'fight' recently and looks very much the worse for wear.....but S is very good to him and is looking after him for me....
Much love to you all.....hope your lives are ticking over ok....
Annie and Kitty Boy xxxxxx and Meows & Purrs to all the pals.......!

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