The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

A great white egret! (And not a pale heron!)

It was so fabulously sunny this morning that I headed out with my camera (I cook lunch on Sundays so don't need to worry about meals on wheels turning up, or not!)

I tried stalking a kestrel, but he wasn't too keen on being photographed!

Back at home, I looked out of the window and saw this gorgeous little robin taking a bath!

After lunch I decided to go out again - and headed off to Hornsea Mere.

As I got there the light was already fading. I saw a rather white looking heron over the other side of the water (a juvenile?) .. and lots of cormorants and tufted ducks and mallards ..

Another birder came along and asked if I'd seen the egrets. I said I hadn't (and couldn't muster much enthusiasm as I see several every time I go to Sunk Island)

'Oh - there are supposed to be a few great white egrets about - look there's one over there', said he pointing at my pale, juvenile heron!

What a rubbish birder I am! I have never seen a GREAT white egret before!

So, it may not be a great shot - but first sightings must be blipped! :)

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