
By Mistert1ckle

December 1st

I love this date as it's when all my Xmas CDs come out and into my car. They are well and truly played for 31 days solid!

This morning I took L down to the swimming pool and we bumped into her friend from nursery and her mum so the 2 of them played happily in the pool for an hour.

After that we returned home for lunch before hitting the shops for a few errands.

Back home we had a beef casserole cooking away in the slow cooker as we had my dad and K coming down for dinner. They head off to Tenerife on Tuesday for a week so it was good to get a catch up.

After they departed I headed to the gym for some much needed cardio / weights work out.

I haven't ran for months so managed 2 x 2.5 km circuits along with some weights in between.

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