It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Stars At Chesterton mill......

I know...Can you see a theme developing here? Stars...Mill .....I'm into Stars at the moment!
The evenings are so clear and the sky is wonderful.
Another fabulous afternoon with my wonderful friend PaulaK ;-)

After a late start...3:30pm we plumped for the Chesterton Mill again. It is one of my favourite spots ;-)
We happened upon a man also with camera on tripod and staying in the same place for a while. As he packed up he came over for a chat and would you believe he's been on an LPH holiday!
About two or three years ago!
We told him about blip so he's going to take a look ;-)

I'm late uploading this as I had to watch The Paradise live rather than a recording as tonight's episode was about photography! My favourite program and my favourite subject! Heaven.
Strictly was sad but I suppose Mark had to go. They are all too good now.

Anyway fellow blippers I need to get ready for the workhouse and freeze my butt off in the cold! That'll help my cough (NOT)

I promise to try and catch up with your journals after work.

Listen Off the very first CD I ever bought ;-)

Draco..... The In Photography Paradise Dragon xx

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