First Sunday in Advent...
Worked today, all not to plan but that's life....
Anyone who knows me will tell you, my tree always goes but the weekend before Christmas Eve...even when the children were little AND it stays up till the twelfth night....
Came home today to find the Christmas tree standing in the middle of the room and an 18 year old maniacally wrapping presents ....someones a little TOO excited, she'll crash n burn before the 25th, I'm telling you!
First Sunday of Advent - Fr Mark of Prinknash
Advent means “arrival” or “coming”. It is a time of waiting and of renewal. The world is waiting for Someone to arrive who will set things right, who will redress the balance, who will heal the broken-hearted. For Christians, this One is Jesus Christ, the Saviour. For each of us, there is a time of Advent: a time of surprise, perhaps…an unwanted adventure that turns out to be the right thing after all. Is my heart open to surprise, to renewal, or have I lost hope, have I closed the door…?
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