Down in The Valley

The Bossess needed to go to the airport at Queenstown this morning so we were all over the hill very early. The Boss says he has been over the hill for some time but no, it was about 7.15 this morning and after we dropped The Bossess off at the airport we stayed that side and went walking The Queenstown trail.

A fun morning was had by all and an even more fun evening was had as The Boss’s DIG photo group all arrived at our place for their annual Christmas party and popped food on the table. The Boss diligently moved it into the centre further from HARMS way BUT a late arrival popped something that The Boss missed.
Bacon rolls are quite delicious you kno…..Burp…Opps sorry rude me.

“J” is now concerned for my health and The Boss will leave the dog door open tonight just in case…. Full report tomoro.

OH and The Boss says my copybook is now well and truly blotted.
Not sure what that is all about as I don’t believe I have one.

Burp…Opps sorry again.

Closer Look?

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