"Quality of Life"

The Shanghai Restoration Project - Babylon Of The Occident

A day to myself and a chance to think deeply into the controllable parameters of the future and quantifying self-worth. It's never a wasted day when you can productively try to understand the purpose of yourself and be at peace with it. The notion of the singular role is non-existent as relationships with business partners, work-partners, friends, family, lovers, and even as being a bolt of the greater fabric of society is all part of you. People have defiantly purported their sense of truth and reality, with such divisive rhetoric like, "I'm just going to do what I want!" or more crassly, "I don't give a sh*t!" Although admirable that one should have a confident, arguably misguided, sense of self, the unexplored insecurity is perhaps a way of ignoring a certain sense of much needed alternative truth. Were you to forcefully expect others to agree with you on your personal quick fix slogan supposedly defining the definition of life, then it would fall unto deaf ears.

After spending much time expounding what I used to think was worthwhile personal grandiosity, it comes as no surprise that in the greater scheme of things, it's completely and utterly false. Everyone in some way, shape or form has an opinion, consciously or subconsciously weathered by years of experience or suppression, only to be thought differently in the future. People may listen, revere or rightfully criticize but as with one's views, another's is equally as important and empty.

People complain about a way of life of another culture, often without critically assessing their own nor attempting to view themselves as an outsider. Our perspectives have formed through the natural dissemination of our immediate surroundings through time. I'm trying to say something original, but I know full well, if my studies have meant anything, that it's completely referential and unoriginal.

True purpose, whatever that is, is not from what others expect from you, not from what society expects from you, and most certainly not from a slogan or quantifiable parameter slathered onto you from a well designed advertisement scheme . Such things are all human borne and therefore as fallible as the very constructs one's logic has found basis for. Obviously my views don't go critically unscathed. Please, if you feel necessary, debunk or capitalize on this.

Nothing truly matters except the now and what you wish to do with it, building your own "quality of life". One would hope that the ethics you choose to abide by have credence beyond a lifespan.

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