
By beckie

hApPy BiRtHdAyNeSs

Today was Tylers 8th Birthday.

I was woken up at 6:15 am by a little voice asking if it was time to open presents... I said if i could have a snuggle and 5mins to wake up, then he could open presents in my bed... He thought that was a great idea!
Lots of wonderful presents and cards with money in (which when your 8 is the best thing ever...!)
Played for a bit, then we went round to see Mr & Mrs oldenglishe for a little while, then to My mum and Dads for lunch (egg and bacon baps! YUM!)

After lunch we headed over to the coast, to Thorpeness boating lake where we messed about on the lake in boats for a while, then finished the day off with chips on the beach up the road in Aldeburgh (pictured: from left to right - Me, Jut, Mum, Ty, Dad, Hev, Marcus)

Dad has blipped Ty hev and me messing about on the shell sculpture on the beach!

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