
Contrary to the popular belief, there are trees in Orkney, just not very many and not very big ones, due to the ever present wind! This one is behind the garden centre in the middle of Kirkwall, so well sheltered.

Mike's day off so we went for a bit of retail therapy in the industrial estate, as you do, and bought some 10mm steel rod for his next project! I'm not going to give away the surprise, but he's hoping to have it completed for Hogmanay! Watch this space.
Lunch at the aforementioned garden centre then along to our favourite shop for a Christmas tree.

Rather than leave Ollie at home on his own, he spent the morning with our neighbours, his pretend grandparents/carers! When we got home I was told they'd been for a good walk and he'd had cheese on toast for his lunch! Spoilt boy!

The bonus of the day was I got an incredibly warm cosy coat at a bargain price and it was a size 10! It replaces my old one which is a size 16! To say I am thrilled skinny sums it up nicely!

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