Horse pills.

Docs this morning.
After 96 calls to them to try get an appointment. (No exaggeration!)
I get through.
I have no voice.
They put the phone down because they can't hear me!!!!!
I try again.
With more success. "You don't sound too good!".
No shit, Sherlock.
Arrive at appointment.
They were running very late.
I ended up sat next to a pair of moaners. Him on his phone, talking loudly.
There was a cougher sat behind me coughing on my shoulder.
A girl walked in talking on her mobile, made an appointment and carried on with her call throughout.
The miserable sods moaned.
A troubled bloke came in and kicked off with the receptionist.
The miserable sods moaned.
He came back.
Guess what? Oh yes, off they went again.
Him behind carried on coughing on my shoulder.
The automatic door was opening constantly, and letting in all the cold, because moaning man has now started pacing up and down.
She moaned.
He sat down and gave her a mouthful of abuse.
I got called in.
She moaned because I'd got called in first.

I was there first!!
You silly moaning old bat.

I have antibiotics for laryngitis and a chest infection.
I went in with laryngitis and a chest infection.
I came out with that as well as being freezing cold, with headache and absolutely no tolerance of anyone.

Note to self: stay healthy.

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