Trial and Error

By DawnC

In the raw

No reason for this picture other's my first ever photograph taken in RAW! I've had my DSLR for more than four years and it's taken me this long to try it. I've also downloaded the free version of Photoshop Elements and had a very small faff around. I'm not sure it made much difference really! I clearly have much to learn but I think the name of my journal sums up my approach quite well. Oh, and it's the bark from one of the silver birch trees at the bottom of the garden* in case you were wondering.

In other, less geeky, news, I was at work all day and consumed far too much food including a Panettone and a load of Quality Street. Health kick starts tomorrow...

*which I substituted for the leaf I originally blipped...I may yet change my mind again...

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