just allan

By allan

How Often Does The Train Go By?

"So often you won't even notice it."

You know the film.

I'm in a *lovely* apartment this week near Tower Bridge, London, and the train does indeed go by so often you won't even notice it. Since I appear to have a substantially higher tolerance for cold than everybody in England, the windows are open and the trains are rattling by. It's rather lovely.

A manic start to a travelling-by-train day. The only hiccup was my master plan to not wear a bicycle helmet to the station (short journey) and then buy one in London. But, the helmet I want turns out to be Hot Property and cannot be found! I tried 4 bike shops already. Damn. Riding through London without a helmet is just edgy. I feel naked! Actually I'd rather have a helmet and be naked! Well, you know ... not really but... ;)

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