
By middaypyjamas

Chase the Sun

This shot was harder to get that you might think. It is a shot of the sun, as the name suggests, and I took it on the way in to work. The difficulties came with the constantly changing cloud cover as well as the changing topography that would block my view along the ride.

I spotted the sun hiding behind the clouds, with those great light and dark textures present, the clean outline of the actual circle of the sun and new it was a fine blipportunity! I didn't take the photo as soon as I saw it as I was in a bit of a rush to get to work, I had to be there by 7am and relieve someone who had been there over night. However I convinced myself once I got into a different spot along my ride it would give me a better position to take the shot, allowing me to take it quickly and be back on my way.

I reached that spot, whipped my backpack around, quickly got my camera out and took maybe two shots before the sun came out from behind the clouds and was too bright and not the interesting shot I wanted. I carried on. I got to another spot that gave me a clear view and repeated the same process as earlier. This time I didn't get a single photo. As soon as I was ready with the camera the cloud immediately went behind the clouds, still keeping me from the shot I wanted. I continued on again, keeping my eye on the sun the whole time. Finally the clouds moved over it in just the right way and in the right consistency for the shot I wanted. Rushing like mad I got my camera out a third time, very aware of how fast those clouds were moving and what little timeframe I had. This time The clouds were kinder this time and I managed to get the shot I wanted. Thank goodness.

Today was also my last day of work before the holiday so it felt pretty good to finish. I also finalise my packing (but will probably double check everything tomorrow) and am now chock full of anxitement!

One more day guys!


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