The Film Producer

There is no internet today and it was so slow last night - when trying to upload a picture it took half an hour to get to 98% ,twice, and then failed so I gave up. I did find that lots of people had given me hearts for the picture of Kevin the Vulture and am sorry I can't thank you yet.
This morning I went around to the kind shopkeepers who picked me up yesterday to thank them and show them that I was ok. Then I went to book 4 paragliding flights for the family on Saturday. Sanja is very nervous about it all but the rest of the family is hugely excited. I hope it will live up to their expectations.

Today some filming for an epic Nepali film was going on beside the lake. After taking a picture of the hero and heroine I talked with a man who was guarding some film equipment and he turned out to be the father of the heroine in the film. He certainly hadn't film star good looks but had a really kind face and demeanour – apparently the de rigeur violence had already been filmed and there are only two more months of it to go. Then he introduced me to the producer who was trying to look like Johnny Depp but apart from a huge smile we weren't able to communicate very well.

I'm still shocked over the sight of the sink holes yesterday - apparently more have appeared today.

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