Walk in town

Hero was limping badly after his silly run yesterday, but got better rather quickly and the dog chiropractor confirmed that he had been very lucky. Beat looked just fine after their run, but once we came home and he had been lying down for a couple of hours, he was very very lame. Sigh! 2 injured dogs!

I woke up to a better morning though. Both Hero and Beat have looked good today. I will try to let Beat run free tomorrow and see how it goes. If he is limping after having used his leg properly, I will ask the chiropractor to look at him on Thursday, when I am taking Hero back for his check-up. I haven't see him limp today and Hero has been looking ok too. Fingers crossed that it lasts!

The chiropractor ordered Hero to rest and walk on leash until she sees him again on Thursday, so I decided to take the boys for a walk in town since they weren’t allowed to run anyway. It is very pretty in Sorø this time of year, with lots of lights and lovely Christmas decorations.

See you tomorrow!
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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